The entire archive contains many thousands of garments. a whole Our archive is made up of smaller
sub-collections. These could be the work of individual designers but we also group in decades with sub-sections of garment types.
Although the collection is mainly of womens clothing we do have an important menswear collection from the mid-1960s though to the 1980s.
We have a large and important collection by Ossie Clark & Celia Birtwell with many of their iconic designs from the mid 1960s through to the mid 1970s.
pieces from our collection were featured in the V&A's Ossie Clark retrospective, The Design Museum's Women Fashion Power, The Royal Mail's Great British Fashion stamp set.
Caroline Katz is a great fan of this period and came to choose pieces from our collection for a photo feature in Prima.
This dress is a rare and unusual example with a navy blue suede "bib" front and tie backs.
Hannah New wears 3 of our Ossie Clark pieces in Trust the television series about the Getty family.
We have a large collection of Barabara Hulanicki's Biba clothing from the mid-60's through to the close of Big Biba in 1975 including lots of dramatic Art Deco prints
Helena Bonham Carter wore our Biba bird print dress in Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" and is pictured wearing it on the film poster.
We also provided the clothes to create a Biba interior for Bohemian Rhapsody.
We have a large collection of 1960s and early 1970s "space age" futuristic garments by Pierre Cardin, Courreges and other European designers.
This chrome breast plate dress by Pierre Cardin featured in The Design Museum's Women Fashion Power exhibition.
Pierre Cardin & Courreges